Why You Should Rent A Mobile Storage Container In The Fall

Why You Should Rent A Mobile Storage Container In The Fall

Those warm summer days were great for kicking back and relaxing, but have you finished this year’s “honey-do” list? Procrastinating runs the risk of you having to clear out the garage in a parka as Old Man Winter rears in his head. From storing your equipment to making extra room at home in preparation for the busiest time of the year, a mobile storage container is the most convenient storage solution.

The main advantage of renting a storage shipping container is having your storage space brought right to your doorstep. Now I know what you’re thinking: well, if it’s that simple, why rush? 

As much as we love kicking back, enjoying football Sundays too, Autumn is your last chance before this year’s projects turn into next year’s; here’s why.

Mobile Storage Containers Are Easier To Rent 

Storage shipping containers for rent are more available during the fall; why? Most projects and moves are made in the summer months. This also means more flexibility to work with your schedule versus working around the rental storage containers availability. 

Storage Shipping Containers Are Great Seasonal Storage Solutions 

Let’s skip forward to next spring; the grass is green but could use a trim, so you start the job of digging your mower out only to find it broken because it unfortunately encountered your snowblower that time you shoved it back into place—what a pain.

With a mobile steel shipping container, you can keep your seasonal tools away from rummaging hands and out of your way in the winter. This works both ways, too, so you ensure your devices are available and in working order when you need them. But you say you don’t have that many tools? What about:

  • Outdoor Furniture 
  • Outdoors Toys 
  • Seasonal Vehicles 
  • Sporting goods

Why fight for space in your garage when you can easily make more space while keeping your things safe until next summer.

Declutter Your Space Before Winter

Now, this is the busiest time of the year at your house, we’re about to retreat indoors for 4-5 months, so unless you’re living in a mansion, space is limited. And this is assuming you’re not in charge of hosting Thanksgiving, holiday parties and new years because if you are, more space is needed. 

Doing a ‘fall cleaning’ session brings the same benefits as spring cleaning:

  • Store Seasonal Clothes 
  • Opportunity to take stock before the holidays of what you have and what you need
  • Get your chores done months in advance so you can focus on the holiday rush. 

A mobile storage shipping container is the perfect storage solution because it enables you to keep your living space clean and organized without having to part ways with personal items. 

Safety and Comfort

What are the safety risks of moving in the winter? It may sound crazy, but wintertime presents unique challenges, many of which increase the risk of regular routines. Winter brings with it: 

  • Low visibility
  • Frigid temperatures 
  • Slippery roads and walkways 

If you’re the type to face father winter head-on and take on the risks, consider this: would you expose your furniture to rain? Snow is prettier to look at, but as soon as it warms up, you’re looking at water stains and higher moisture levels in your storage space. 

Packing during the dryer fall months is the best way to avoid condensation and water vapour from damaging your items. A shipping container is watertight, so if you pack a dry container then no matter what happens outside, your belongings are kept dry as a bone. 

A mobile storage container is more than just a water-proof storage space too; from their ample storage space, secure 1.5-inch steel walls you get tough as steel protection with the added bonus of home delivery. It says it right in the name, with a mobile storage shipping container you get the added benefit of having your storage space delivered to your front door! That way the only thing you have to worry about is making sure your things are packed safely and securely, while we handle transport. 

Portable Storage Containers Are Built For The Job. 

So why a mobile storage container, if all you need is a storage solution? Well, aside from the versatility a storage container and the mobility shipping containers offer, they’re made to transport items safely through all types of weather. They’re made of waterproof, fireproof and pest-proof steel walls that are under your lock and key. 

With a steel storage container, you can fit all of your summer clothes, toys and decorations safely in near-impenetrable storage space.

In the end, it’s up to you when you do your projects, but we just wanted to plant this idea: the faster you get your chores done, the more time you have to focus on enjoying the Holiday Season with your loved ones and friends.

If you’re determined to move in the winter, do yourself a favour and check out our moving in winter blog. If you’re looking to get an idea of the jobs you could get done in the fall, check out our end of summer guide, and for cleaning tips, we have a classic spring cleaning blog here. For more info, fill out the form below for your free quote today.


Fill out your information and we will get right back to you.
Please indicate your city and if you need to store your container or delivery directly to your new location.


    *Local packages only available in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Breslau, New Dundee, & Mannheim.